Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Feliz día de San Jordi!

Posted in Uncategorized on April 23, 2012 by bloompapers

Aquí en estamos esperando a que San Jordi aparezca con su caballo a traernos las rosas!  Si os pasa como nosotras y todavía no la tenéis, tenemos algunas sugerencias más para llenar tu día con romanticismo!  Mira nuestros preciosos murales de flores y libros para tenerlos cada día contigo en tu casa!

Christmas Wishes!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 25, 2011 by bloompapers

A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone from all at Bloompapers!  We hope 2012 will be a year of happiness and prosperity for all.

Light up Christmas

Posted in Uncategorized on December 23, 2011 by bloompapers

There’s nothing more Christmassy than a stroll down a main street looking up at the illuminated snow flakes, presents, stars and bells adorning our cities at this time of year.   Many of us have travelled to many different cities over the world but not often at Christmas time so it’s great to be able to have a peek at how different cultures do it!  To be honest, there’s not much in it; Christmas lights are colourful and sparkly wherever you go, but we’ve picked out a few of our favourites – some in better taste than others it has to be said!

It’s a wrap!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 22, 2011 by bloompapers

Year after year we convince ourselves that this Christmas we’re going to put a but more effort into our wrapping of the presents, and actually produce something creative!  Slowly but surely Christmas closes in on us and as always the presents get dumped under the tree dressed neglectfully in cheap wrapping paper, wrinkled sellotape and less than artistic wrapping skills.  So if this sounds familiar to you, we wanted to inspire you with ideas from others who seem to have been blessed with the creative Christmas gene in the hope that we may be able to wow our friends and family before the presents are even opened!  And if not, well there’s always next year!  Happy Christmas everyone!

Snow Wonders!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 21, 2011 by bloompapers

Although we all dream of snow covered rooves and taboggans galore at Christmas time, there are others who see snow as more of a blank canvas on which to work their creative magic!  Through the website we have had a peek at some jaw dropping examples of snow art – which must have taken time, muscle and a lot of thermal underwear to complete!  It’s surely one of the highlights of living in a colder climate and it’s even helped us along with our Christmas spirit!  Enjoy!

Moss art!

Posted in Uncategorized on December 20, 2011 by bloompapers

Following on from yesterday’s insane art offering – we’re going one better today in the originality stakes!  This artist goes to show that there  really are no limits to how art can be created and the tools which can be used to create it.  On the laughing squid blog we came across artist  Stefaan de Croock, from Belgium, has used a pressure washer and a wall covered with moss to ‘blast out” some of the most intricate and peculiar designs!  It’s less intrusive and more environmentally friendly than graffiti, but certainly with the same wow effect!

Trompe L’Oeil

Posted in Uncategorized on December 19, 2011 by bloompapers

It goes without saying that we are drawn to anything that’s art, and art on a large scale!  We are constantly inspired by our bloom artists and their incredible imaginations which allow works of art to cover entire wall spaces – but take a look at this!  John Pugh is an artist based in New Zealand who creates gigantic 3D murals on public buildings.  It’s just breathtaking!  Although his website is being renewed you can still see some of his photos on his previous site.  Despite there also being a photo of how he created them, we are none the wiser.  It seems impossible!

Casa Decor

Posted in Uncategorized on December 3, 2011 by bloompapers

¡Por fin tenemos un año más a Casa Decor en Barcelona! Siempre esperamos su llegada con ganas, y este año no iba a ser menos. Por si su nombre no te resulta familiar, Casa Decor es un proyecto de diseño, que con la colaboración de diseñadores de interiores y artistas, transforman un edificio sin uso en un gran escaparate del interiorismo moderno.  Una plataforma extraordinaria y única en su género, donde se pueden ver las nuevas tendencias decorativas. Además, Ana Clapés, una de nuestras bloom artistas, ¡ha colaborado en el diseño de este espacio de restaurante que ves en las fotos! Casa Decor estará sólo hasta el 11 de diciembre, así que, si estáis en Barcelona, ¡no os lo podéis perder!

Para llenar de luz nuestros rincones

Posted in Uncategorized on October 24, 2011 by bloompapers

Con la llegada del frío pasamos mucho más tiempo en casa, y teniendo en cuenta lo pronto que anochece, necesitamos mucha más luz en nuestro hogar. Para ello, hemos encontrado en Design Code, esta exótica lámpara, así como este porta velas de papel ignifugo que da una luz muy acogedora para este tiempo, o esta otra lámpara de mesa. Podéis adquirir sus productos online, tienen muchos más, así que, ¡pasaros para alegrar el largo invierno que nos espera!


Little people project

Posted in Uncategorized on October 8, 2011 by bloompapers

There’s nothing like bit of artistic genius to inspire you at the beginning of your weekend! UK based artist Slinkachu combines street art and photography to come up with the sweetest representations of model people going about their daily lives. There is something a little sombre about the solitariness of these little people in the great streets of London; but there is no doubt that his pieces make us smile from ear to ear. His prints are on sale at andipa gallery alongside other greats like Banksy and Hockney and we think he is truly deserving of his place alongside them. Here’s few of our favourites!